With youth employment levels severely hit by the economic downturn it is obvious that recently students are not escaping the consequences of economic problems. Lots of graduates are lowering their ambitions and looking for less well paid jobs then they surely imagined when they first commenced their university studies. Work from home opportunities, for example Online jobs are being thought about even if only as a temporary solution until the economy starts to pick up.
The outcome though may be numbers of graduates getting established in Work from home businesses. It could be found in years to come that the present scarcity of career openings has driven lots of graduates, and others, into a self employed status and this may precipitate a skills shortage later as graduates get used to the rewards of running their own enterprises. It’s also true that people who work from home become accustomed to a no commuting working habit and become reluctant to apply for more traditionally based jobs.
There is however no evidence that those educated to degree standard might be more successful in running their own business than non graduates. Academic ability does not necessarily prepare people for the ups and downs of controlling an enterprise so the work from home self employment effect may well be cooled by some business failures. Or it may transpire that many who sample self employment find it simply not to their taste and return to the job market in improved times.
On the whole though, it does appear likely that the present economic slowdown could create a new generation of entrepreneurs. And an upturn in the incidence of working from home would also be a welcome trend. As is usually the case it is likely to be the young, graduate or otherwise, who provide the lead in this potential working trend.