If you want to know how to make a Healthier Matcha Frappe you have stumbled across the right place. The video below will show you all the detailed preparations on how to make a Healthier Matcha Frappe. Matcha is super for you and will help in guiding those to prepare it in a low calorie recipe to lose weight.
Healthier Matcha Frappe Recipe
Items needed:
2 teaspoons Matcha De Mark
1 teaspoon of honey or maple syrup
1/2 cup water or coconut milk
1/2 cup ice cubes
1 scoop frozen yogurt
Combine all items in a blender and pulse until smooth
Frappes at Starbucks or McDonalds are frequently made with high calorie sweeteners, this recipe is designed to taste good but also to keep the calories at a minimum.