Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Many Benefits Of Argan Oil For Your Skin

Are you in search of a beauty product that does not only promise instant effect but can continuously improve your skin? A lot of women and men these days are experiencing the damaging effects of our environment and they are making it worse by the choice of products the use!

Did you know that there are more than 82,000 ingredients used in personal care products today and that 1-in-8 are industrial chemicals? Many of these ingredients are not good for you, yet they are still allowed in products you use everyday.

For example, many body lotions contain petroleum products and aluminum. These chemicals are absorbed systemically into the blood stream, and they can be harmful:

* Petroleum has been reported to cause cancerous tumors. It also has the opposite affect of moisturizing the skin - it actually causes long-term dryness of skin.

* High levels of aluminum in the body have been shown to have neurotoxic effects, effects on bone and possibly reproduction.

If you are using products that contain industrial chemicals you may desire to substitute one that is all natural instead. There are many organic and all natural products available today, but have you ever heard of argan oil?

The video below talks about some of the benefits of using Argan Oil on your skin. It also includes a brief review from one of their customers that like their product.

Argan Oil, also known as Moroccan oil, is often referred to as a miracle oil because of its many benefits when used on the skin.

Argan oil is actually rich in Vitamin E, naturally fatty acids and Omega 6 which fights premature skin aging. It is rich in antioxidants which mean it slows down any sign of aging and protects skin from free-radical damage when absorbed by the skin. Argan oil can also help many skin disorders. People suffering from acne, psoriasis and eczema have found relief after using argan oil.

Some other benefits to using argan oil on your skin include the reduction of stretch marks, sun spots and skin blemishes. Argan is an amazing oil to use on your skin, grab a bottle of argan oil today and experience the natural benefits this amazing product offers.