Monday, September 30, 2013

Makeup For Teens

The top thing all teenage girls worry over is fitting in. This is not limited to looking good and being in style. Makeup is one area that can set them apart in a good way or a bad way. Few moms really know much about makeup and can't afford hiring an expert to teach the required techniques. This is where this video and book can help. This video is about learning the right techniques to apply makeup and take good care of your skin. It covers basic makeup application for beginners and goes into more advanced makeup techniques. The book covers everything a beginner needs to know. It includes a easy and super fast look for school and work as well as a more detailed look for prom or black tie events. The book includes 30 video cuts detailing every step of the makeup process. The video segments take you from just reading about makeup to actually taking part in the makeup session. You have a professional makeup artist next to you as you practice. You can replay the video segments as many time as you need to learn the techniques.