Friday, January 11, 2013

The Advantages of Prune Juice

Prune juice is actually a flavorful drink that is abundant in nutrients that will provide the body with a good number of benefits. Before you decide to write this wholesome beverage off as being a one trick pony, you need to consider everything it can do for you.

One of the first benefits of prune juice that you are going to find is that you possess the opportunity to lessen free radicals and enhance your general wellbeing with each glass that you drink. This is because the juice includes high levels of antioxidants that assist to prevent deterioration to your cells and lower the risks of certain illnesses.

Individuals that have a history of heart disease inside their family, or people who are smokers will see that the antioxidants in prune juice can help to eliminate their dangers for cancer and heart disease. Not surprisingly, quitting smoking and eating healthy food may also prove to be truly helpful in conjunction with a hearty glass of delicious prune juice on a daily basis.

Just one more of the benefits of prune juice would be the healthy amount of copper it can supply the body. This copper is going to help to back up the liver, brain and other organs which will help your wellbeing. Together with the additional advantage of having a liquid that can assist to reduce the danger of dehydration, you will find that your body is really looking and feeling better than it otherwise would due to the prune juice that you can enjoy.

Needless to say, the ability to combat constipation is yet another of the advantages of prune juice that most people know. This originates from the insoluble fiber available in the juice, that also enables you to purge the colon of toxic compounds that may accumulate. This includes a decrease in the volume of estrogen within the body that could potentially help prevent breast cancer.

With all of these advantages, there's no question you are ready to try a glass. However, for many prune juice is often an acquired taste. If the taste is off putting for you, don’t allow it to come between you and the advantages to your wellbeing. Alternatively, you could make a healthy drink which brings the healthy attributes of the prunes and combines these with some choice fruits.

Delightful Prune Juice Cocktail


- Juice of one apple
- Juice of one pear
- Half a cup of prune juice

Steps to make It

In a very large glass, take the juice out of your apple and pear and mix it using a half cup of prune juice. This will give you a delightful drink which will have you ready for another glass in the evening. Best of all, the apple and pear juices add additional nutritional rewards.