Among the people of a generation ago, understanding of what marketing is and what it does was next-to-nothing.Nowadays however, marketing is something that regularly crosses most people’s lips. Most people speak a little marketing.
The reason for this is that marketing has in lots of ways come to define business. The marketing strategy drives every business function, from research, design and testing, right through to production, distribution and revenue.
How marketing works is not only important to marketing teams. Anyone that aspires to build a career in the business world, whether as an owner, a manager or a consultant, needs to understand the theories, principles and practices that govern this key strategic and operational area.
What are the stages leading up to the purchase-decision in the mind of the consumer? How do you spot and capitalise upon marketing opportunities? Who and where is the target market? How is research compiled and fed into decision-making? What or who is the target market? How will data be gathered and used? What is the product life cycle? What is the marketing mix? What is being marketed? What factors inform a marketing strategy? How is a marketing plan implemented? Every manager that has any intention of progressing should be able to access the language and the tools of marketing since it is ultimately responsible for delivering the end point - the sale - to which they all work.All business at some level relies on marketing.
If you can't answer these questions, your contribution in meetings and core strategic discussions will be at best marginal and So vital is marketing that if you are not fully dialed-in regarding its methods and forms then you are likely to feel increasingly out of your depth in meetings or in your working life in general.Ultimately there is no substitute for systematic study informed by expert guidance and this is why many make the decision to enrol upon a dedicated marketing management course. An quality accredited qualification in marketing says two things about you: I know what I'm talking about, and I am committed to acquiring new skills and improving myself.
The other reason why these days, more than ever, it is important to get on top of what is going on in the world of marketing is the huge change that has been brought in by the internet. The new marketing channels that have been created and the new forms of marketing needed have created a vast new field of opportunity but also a bewildering new landscape in which there is a disturbing potential of becoming stranded. The game has changed and there is nobody anymore who can claim to know everything there is to know about marketing.
To ensure you do not get left behind in this brave new world, BrightonSBM offers a range of online marketing courses (click for more details) designed to suit the level of commitment you are able to give. The Edexcel Level 5 courses comprise the two-module Award, the three-module Certificate and the full six-module Diploma, with all courses able to be 'topped-up' to the higher qualification.To find out how to take the first step to achieving an online marketing diploma, visit the Brighton School of Business and Management website.