Research has revealed that eating any three hours does not enhance your metabolism. Less frequent meals or fasting will not decrease your metabolism neither. Fasting can actually improve your metabolism during the first thirty-six hours.
Your Relation with Food. For years I ate healthy from Monday to Saturday. On Sunday I ate mostly junk food. It is now called the "Cheat Your Way Thin" diet: consuming junk food in this way accelerates fat loss and keeps you motivated.
Fasting. This is exactly what at some point got me to fasting. Too lazy to prepare food on Sunday? I'd fast from now on rather than eating junk food. Fasting also teaches you to control your hunger & cravings. Sounded perfect.
I began looking for books on fasting. I discovered there weren't a lot of beneficial ones. Many of them saw fasting only as a detox tool - advising fasting for approximately Ten days - and didn't think about the perspective of weight lifters.
More vital: Martin Berkhan hasn't released a system about Leangains yet. So until you apply to his coaching program, you must read his blog & search community forum posts to know how it works.
Eat Stop Eat. A reader recommendation at some point forced me to choose Brad Pilon's Eat Stop Eat. Also, since I found the information inside it so helpful I decided to recommend it. And So I joined Brad's affiliate program.
Weigh Loss Diet is a downloadable eBook. This counts ninety pages and has the most up-to-date research about fasting, 46 references to be exact. Brad debunks myths about fasting, gives you all the benefits and explains exactly how to fast.
Eat Stop Eat is not hard to apply. The one thing you should do is fast 1 or 2x per week for 24 hours. You choose which days be perfect for you. Below are a few of the benefits you could expect from Eat Stop Eat Critique
Lose Fat/Weight. Fasting 2x/week for 24h drops your calorie intake by twenty-five%. It also boosts your fat burning hormones.
Develop Muscle. Fasting causes no muscle breakdown and does not decelerate your metabolism. Brad debunks both myths in Eat Stop Eat.
Break Food Addiction. Hunger and cravings in many cases are more mental than physical.
Fasting teaches you to manipulate both.
Reduce costs. Fasting 2x per week means eight days every month less food. My monthly grocery bill dropped by approximately 20%.
Improve Productivity. My fasting days are the most productive ones: no cooking, no eating, no need to stress about food, ...
Improve Levels of energy. You won't feel tired or lethargic or weak at the gym. My trainings the same day after fasting are often the most beneficial ones.