Nowadays, you can count on approximately half of all marriages ending in divorce. It is very rare for people to stick things out through thick and thin. However, there are plenty of people that are stuck in an unhappy marriage. If you are truly unhappy in your marriage, then you need to do something to address it if it's possible to save the union. There are a few signs that indicate that your marriage may be over.
Marriage will be much, much harder if you and your spouse can't communicate with each other that well. It is a huge red flag when a couple no longer communicates with each other very much. Your partner always needs to be there for you to talk to whenever you need him or her. If you can't communicate with your partner, then you may be forced to turn to friends or family members.
Instead of suffering from lack of communication with your partner, you may be suffering from too much of it. Fighting will break out much more often the more that you and your partner head towards divorce. You may not reserve fighting for serious things, as some of the most trivial things may cause you to start fighting. Whenever past issues keep rising up and causing problems in your marriage, it's not a good sign either.
Lack of trust will certainly be a problem for your relationship. If you're married to someone, you should never have an issue when it comes to trusting them. If trust isn't something that your relationship is fortunate enough to have, then you would need to work on changing that as soon as you could.
You and your partner will also need to make time to spend with each other. Your marriage is headed down the wrong road whenever you stop spending time with each other. Instead of spending time with each other, you may come up with other ways to spend your time. The more time you spend apart, the further you drift away from each other as you go about living your separate lives.
One of the biggest signs that your marriage is over is lack of sex. This should be pretty obvious. Couples that are no longer interested in each other sexually will definitely have a long road back towards getting their relationship back on track.
The current condition of your marriage will have been caused by many things. It's vital that couples communicate honestly in order to address the issues that are causing their marriage to turn out badly.
Kristie Brown writes on a variety of topics from health to technology. Check out her websites on marriage and stop divorce proceedings.