If you frequently tan and become pregnant, you may wonder if tanning will be harmful to your baby. Although there is no definitive evidence that it's harmful, there are certain risks in doing so. If you're thinking about tanning while pregnant, keep reading to learn about some of the risks involved.
Restricting blood flow to your heart is one of the main risks of tanning while pregnant. This will also restrict your baby's blood flow. The chances of this happening increase significantly whenever you're lying on your back.
If this happens, you will start feeling light-headed. It may not be a good idea for you to lie down while getting a tan. A better idea would be to use a standup tanning booth.
You may also increase the risk of harm coming to your child by raising your body temperature too much. If your temperature exceeds 102 degrees, it can be especially dangerous. These elevated temperatures can really cause harm to your child.
This is why you need to ensure that the machine doesn't generate body temperatures in excess of 102 degrees Fahrenheit. If you're using a modern tanning machine, you shouldn't have to worry too much about this.
Sensitive skin is a common issue for pregnant women. It is especially sensitive when exposed to UV rays. Splotches can appear on the face and arms, a condition known as chloasma. Fortunately, this condition isn't serious at all and will usually go away.
You should already be aware that tanning bed can increase your risk of developing skin cancer. This may also increase the risk of your child developing skin cancer.
Folic acid is vital to your baby's well-being. Folic acid deficiency may become a problem if you're exposed to a lot of UV rays. You wouldn't want your baby to develop any of the conditions that occur because of a lack of folic acid.
These are some of the risks associated with tanning booths. Using tanning lotions and sprays will do nothing to harm you if you're pregnant.
There may actually be risks associated with tanning while pregnant, although there is no conclusive evidence yet. At the very least, make sure that your body temperature doesn't get too high. Chloasma may also cause you to develop splotches on your arms and face. Doc No.sdlkh-sdAE
Kristie Brown writes on a variety of topics from health to technology. Check out her websites on Tanning while pregnant and For sale tanning beds